Friday, 8 March 2019

Why do we read books? What skills do we use to find information? How does reading entertain us?

The Fantails are learning about how to form an open or closed question. They talked about what they thought each type was first and then read their books. Following that they formed questions of their own. Here they are talking to each other about which are closed and which are open and WHY they think this.

Alistair was a great Pirate Chief in a play. How do you think he did with trying to use expression and read at a good pace for the audience?

The Tuataras group performed a play. The whole class has been self assessing and peer assessing their Fluency skills. Here this group perform a play with expression, a clear voice and using a suitable pace for the audience. The rest of the class gave feedback and feedforward. 

These points are useful to talk about at home when you listen to someone reading. We have used this rubric to self assess and peer assess already. Now we know what we are working on.

1 comment:

  1. Great that you have been self assessing and peer assessing your fluency skills. Expression, a clear voice and using a suitable pace for the audience are all important skills. Giving and the receiving of feedback and feedforward helps us get better.
