Tuesday, 22 October 2019

We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo!! Our Inquiry begins for Rangatiratanga - Leadership

Sorry everyone I thought I had hit the publish button but no...
so here you are -

How will we take our Inquiry further? Leadership - what is the food of a leader? Communication and knowledge.

How can we make an impact on the world around us and make sure our role in the environment has a positive impact on animals around us?
The Zoo educators at the zoo talked about our native species and the endemic creatures we have in New Zealand. We have since been writing our wonderings and what we would like to find out about the animals at the Zoo.


  1. Looks like you had a fabulous trip to the Zoo which is always a favourite destination for me. As a Greengold enviro school it is important that we know about our endangered native animals and what we can do to help

  2. Cool Room 14 looks like you had fun at the Auckland Zoo! I really enjoyed looking at the Meerkats! From Harry

  3. What animal did you see at the zoo.

  4. What a fun trip, room 14. You're so lucky to have spent the day at the zoo.

  5. Wow I wonder how much fun they had at the zoo I hope it wasn't raining because that would make the day worse.

  6. wow room 14 it looks like you had lots of fun
