Monday, 25 February 2019

And we are all online - Hooray!

Our subject was a Tree Hut design based on the story The Tree Hut Treaty. Mrs Trembath has been teaching us how to login to our Google Drive and this is our first activity to practice our ICT skills. Mrs Trembath is really impressed with how we persevered and believed we could do it without her help. Ka pai tamariki! You have really shown your Mana this time!

This is our first try at using Google Draw. We have played around with the tools of the app and look what we have created all by ourselves.

Get New Zealand Writing! Today a mysterious box arrived in Room 14!! What are the 13 items inside the tiny tin?

A brown box arrived for us! We are taking part in a School Kit programme involving the writing of 96 000 poems this month across New Zealand Primary Schools.

Inside a collection of writing tools and a letter suggesting what we need to do! In the box was a stack of postcards too. Our instructions are to write creative poems to send to a class in Khandallah in Wellington. Then they are going to send us something back! 

Curiouser and curiouser - a large class poster with all sorts of challenges and ideas for writing snippets of information from Sunnyhills School to Khandallah.

And finally a tiny tin with 13 items in it for sparking our creativity. But first Mrs T challenged us to guess what could be inside and tomorrow we will open the tin and see what could be in it! We can't wait!!

Thursday, 21 February 2019

Music with Mrs Dowden - can you recognise the tune?

Room 14 have only had two lessons with Mrs Dowden and can already play 3 notes and follow the beat and rhythm together. Great listening and careful movement is required. Can you name the instruments they are playing too?

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Playing stuck in the mud with the sprinkler! And water relays!

Our hats were getting wet so we took them off for 5 minutes and let the water rain down! Mrs Cammell got wet too. Thanks to all the Year 3 Team for setting up such a fun afternoon - and Mr Lesley for lending us the hoses.

Water play on a hot and humid afternoon!

Whaea asked: How many cups can YOUR team transfer from the bucket to the water tray without spilling it?!

Mrs Grant lines everyone up for a game of octopus - with real water!!

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Haere Mai Welcome to Te Reo in the Kakariki Room

The body - Te Tinana
We had lots of fun learning some new words with Mrs Harding.  If you like singing and listening to music here is a link to some songs to play at home!

Maori Songs to help us practice our Te Reo

Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Te Reo with Mrs Harding

Te Reo is with Mrs Harding in the Kakariki Room

Today we all practiced our colours and vowels sounds.

We really enjoy the  A Haka Mana song which helps us say the vowel sounds correctly.

Then we practised introducing ourselves

Ko wai koe? Who are you?

Ko _______ ahau.
I am ________.

A Haka Mana listen to this song for saying the vowels for Te Reo correctly

Monday, 11 February 2019

Using a Talking Strip to improve our communication skills.

Communication or talking skills are important to learn so that you can have a conversation with another person with confidence - here first Daniel, and then Cory, are trying out our Talking Strip. 

In Daniel's book he has made a Quick Talking Strip for talking about his news - it includes an introduction sentence,time, where, who with, what happened, how I felt about it...
Now he is sharing with his talking partner Daisy and she will listen and talk back. This video shows Daniel using his Talking Strip for the first time and he is doing really well with including different parts in his talking.

Here is Cory and he is using his talking strip to check his communication skills. The Talking Strip is a tool to help him if he needs a prompt. He doesn't need to ask Mrs Trembath for help because he has the Strip in front of him. 

Tinker time - woohoo - collaborative and creative learning!

Edisons - read a simple code and create a journey. Lots of experimentation here, Mrs Trembath gave no instructions. We had children teach their skills to the next little group.

Patience and creativity here. And on such a hot afternoon a little mindfulness too. 

Beading requires careful planning and patterning.

This group started to add lego pieces to their edisons and add some of their own personality!

Sunday, 10 February 2019

Room 14 - learning for life! Turangawaewae - a place to stand - belonging.

In Room 14 we have made a Class Treaty and signed it. We did this after discussing Waitangi Day and what that meant to New Zealand history. 
We decided:
We will try our best to respect others
Share with others
Care for others
Encourage others

We all signed the Treaty. 
At home Whanau might like to discuss some of these words: respect, share, care and encourage and what that might look like in your family.
Our GEMS cover all of these aspects of our Treaty with Growth Empathy Mana Self Belief. This Term R14 are looking at the GEM - Mana in particular,

House groups - welcome to Olivia and Maia - can you see which house they are in?

Here are our house groups: 

From time to time we do House events for sports and we collect house points for our Houses. We also have Year 6 leaders who are in charge of our Houses. It is always lots of fun doing house activities!
Our Houses are
Hoiho - Yellow
Tui - Blue
Kea - Green
Takahe - Red
All of the teachers and staff are in houses too. We like to dress up in our house colours and can get quite competitive! Mrs Trembath is in Hoiho!



