Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Ki ora and welcome to Room 14 with Mrs Trembath as part of Year 3 in the Koru Whanau!

What have you been up to in the holidays and where have you been? Perhaps someone in your whanau can email me a photo or you can draw a picture of something you did in the holidays and bring it to school to share?

Can you guess where I have been by looking at this photograph? 
Comment below with your answer and we will see who knows!


  1. this looks like a big yellow dandelion

  2. I went there as well. It's a beautiful place with lots of amazing sculptures at Matakana. :) The name is too long to spell.

  3. Hi, this is Daniel. my sister and I found out the name of the art, the artist is called John Ferguson. The art piece is call Blooming Buckets. they displayed it at NZ Sculpture OnShore in 2014 and you have been looking at this picture on the internet :)

  4. I think this is at the Sculptureum in Matakana. From Georgia.
