Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Protect our Water ways! Rangatiratanga - Leadership in action!

This week we received a box in the mail! Inside is a kit from School Kit which has a challenge for us!

The box was filled with gloves for picking up rubbish from our local environment. And giant paper rubbish sacks - can you read what is printed on the bags?

 Why would we do this? What are we trying to do? There are some instructions and a large poster to fill in with the study we are going to do in the next month.

We are trying to set an example in our Sunnyhills community by picking up the rubbish that people have made and let sit on the grass and concrete. This rubbish could be washed down the streets and into the storm water drains. 

Where does the water from the storm water drains go?

Find the small storm water drain closest to your house (with an adult helping you and keeping you safe) What does it look like? What could go down the drain and where would it end up?

Go down to the Tamaki Estuary at low tide with your whanau and see what is washed out of the storm water drain? What does it look like?

Sunday, 3 November 2019


We have all been on the field at last! The track has been painted back on and the Year 3 and 4 teams have been upskilling themselves ready for Athletics Day on Friday.

Room 14 have been watching all the goings on from our window as our amazing bike track takes shape! Patience has paid off. Now we can all enjoy it! Wonderful!

Adam and Griffin run in the sprints for the finish line.

Jayrett runs his very best. 

Max runs a fast sprint!

We ran the track first to get an idea of what it would be like when we cycled it.

We discuss and think about how to put our pedals in neutral when going round the bend so that the pedals do not catch on the asphalt.

All the bikes are lined up on the field.

Everyone goes at their own pace and we encourage each other by cheering and looking out for everyone.

Good Give Way rules here Griffin.

Many children tried the advanced track and had a great amount of calculated risk pay off.

Bike handling improved as the children completed the course.

Cruising along at a relaxing pace.

Olivia scooters past.

Eliza has her prettily decorated scooter just right.

Cycling around the poles was a big challenge in bike control.

Dilan cruises through.

Give way to the left - well done every one shared the road!